Just here to spread my consistent love for my baby Triple Threat (aka Trippy).
Was eyeing her for a year before I met her at the Item Shop in May 2019. We’ve been together ever since. Yes, I use other skins now and then but I always fall right back into my shorty’s arms.
Love you Trippy
watching tom f*** around on controller
Ive improved my building by a lot in the last 5 months or so and he gets on and does things Ill never be able to :psyboom:
this season really been fye, was skeptical about the new map but they really killing it
If you still playing this game you are either 12 or a lame.
This whole game and community is so corny
If you still playing this game you are either 12 or a lame.
This whole game and community is so corny
I am 12 - AND I am lame
What you finna do
If you still playing this game you are either 12 or a lame.
This whole game and community is so corny
imagine gatekeeping a video game u miserable sob
they f***ed with the bloom too much. it’s disgustingly inaccurate now
u on legacy or new settings?
insane 4th place clutch and this is only like half of it
building is 100x faster in creative
just lowered edit wait time and binded to left stick