damn this skin looks better than i expected in gameplay
i was so close to just copping the bundle but i wish rey and finn looked more like the actual actors. if the tie fighter was part of the bundle and the pickaxes i realistically would have copped
i like the white trooper better than the sith trooper though the sith trooper is nice too
i’d love some original trilogy or prequel skins. i love the new movies too but it would be impossible to resist some old movie skins. although a kylo ren skin with his mask would be fire.
Rey kinda wack but I think Finn looks just like a cartoon John boyega. I feel you tho I’d rather have chewy han or lando. There’s Kylos tie fighter for free tomorrow if you log in at 130
Rey kinda wack but I think Finn looks just like a cartoon John boyega. I feel you tho I’d rather have chewy han or lando. There’s Kylos tie fighter for free tomorrow if you log in at 130
wait for real? i wouldn’t have copped the one in the store if i knew that
edit: do they still do refunds and if so how long are they available for? if the free one is as good as the one i copped i might get a refund
although the one i copped is easily my favorite glider ever, as the stormtrooper is my favorite skin
damn bruh you ain’t seen the originals please watch asap
what’s a refund ticket? i’m not as into this game as i was a year ago lol
exactly. i copped disney plus specifically for star wars tbh, just been watching the mandalorian and rewatching all the movies in chronological order only got episode 8 left which i’ve been saving for this week before the movie drops... wonder when i’m gonna decide to watch it
Some of you have been playing this game competitively for 2 years and your bank balance has only decreased.
Stop worrying about the cash cups, get a job !
Y'all know a good way to delete a bunch of people from my Friends list? Over the year I've somehow gathered 500+ friends and I'm tryina clean this mess up but it's so bugged and super slow in-game on console.
wait for real? i wouldn’t have copped the one in the store if i knew that
edit: do they still do refunds and if so how long are they available for? if the free one is as good as the one i copped i might get a refund
although the one i copped is easily my favorite glider ever, as the stormtrooper is my favorite skin
Yeah I found out after I copped too but I doubt we’ll ever get a regular tie fighter so ima keep it
I should fire this back up
Took my shawty Trippy (Triple Threat) to see the Fortnite X StarWars in-game event and she was just on her phone the whole time like 😐
Event was aite, kinda dragged on and was boring until you got the lightsabers and started meleeing each other to death
so dumb that the banners in the store are gift only all my friends are too lazy to do that 2FA s***