Top 5 greatest storytelling oat
never heard of anyone claimed switzerland before but this too hard had to add it to my playlist.. do keep putting me on man im so behind since ive moved
never heard of anyone claimed switzerland before but this too hard had to add it to my playlist.. do keep putting me on man im so behind since ive moved
Maaaaan Geneva got some hot s***, that whole clique is incredible, especially Makala and Varnish la Piscine, they got Dimeh too young legend...
Ptit classique
dis moi que tu kiffes le nouveau single parce que je crois je suis le seul pr linstant 😭😭😭😭
dis moi que tu kiffes le nouveau single parce que je crois je suis le seul pr linstant 😭😭😭😭
J'ai même pas encore écouté attend je te dis dans 5 minutes
@Ithaka you f*** with French house
vrooooo havnt heard that one in so long ty added to the playlist!
ofc i do so many classics to go to from man
early 00s was a peak man...
this for @oxytocin
B***a’s new track is a huge disappointment. He’s been using the same formula since 2015.
I’m constantly listening to the “don dada mixtape”, it’s probably the best LP of 2020. It really exceeded my expectations and it made a powerful statement: you don’t need to compromise in order to be successful.
Can’t wait for Nekfeu’s next album.
i see what u mean with the b***a thing and i can agree with that but ngl s*** gets me still, it slaps and has hook.. some of my fav s*** he put since or from that era, loved this feat
i gotta get on that don dada, anything else from this year for me to get on?
S*** slaps so f***ing hard. Quality of French rap stayed in 2015
nah man check some s*** some ppl posted itt it goes tbh
C'est l'histoire d'un homme qui tombe d'un immeuble de 50 étages. Le mec, au fur et à mesure de sa chute, il se répète sans cesse pour se rassurer : "Jusqu'ici tout va bien. Jusqu'ici tout va bien. Jusqu'ici tout va bien." Mais l'important, c'est pas la chute. C'est l'atterrissage.
man y did i tag u..
Freddie verse on Lay back... How can you even want to go just after that
mannnn, does freddie ever miss? even on a french feature where some would be dismissive he just snaps
love the thugger one too so sad his fanbase will sleep on it even tho it’s prime thugger era feat even ktt won’t bother to check it out if i tag em
C7etait sur la version europeenne de l'album de Missy Elliott. Le son original avait Big Boi dessus (tres bon complet aussi d'ailleurs). Ecoute les trois premiers albums de MIssy si tu l'as jamais fait c'est tous des classiques, Timbaland en Gear 4 sur chqaue piste
! ils font plus de crossover comme as avec leur albums ça fait trop longtemps que j’ai pas revisité missy, ça tombe bien ça me donnera une nouvelle perspective
Dj Mehdi the greatest french beatmaker tbh
wow like that fr? his name be familiar.. what else did he do that is notable?
wow like that fr? his name be familiar.. what else did he do that is notable?
Brooo Mehdi was a monster fr he was so great
I saw his tombstone in the Père la Chaise, very moving
Some US / FR collaborations first that come to mind
bro i didn’t even know these thank you
c’est un honneur de t’avoir dans ce topic frère merci de participé dsl je t’ai ps taggé j’ai mis les noms qui me sont venus au dernier moment (ceux avec qui j’échange le plus souvent dans des chats ou les derniers que j’ai croisé) je vais t’ajouté desuite
About time, Been waiting for this thread from you @op
been meaning to get back at you on the post on that other thread with the french rnb, will try write tomorrow or something sorry things just gets in the way one by one yknow
Top 5 greatest storytelling oat
! this has smiley potentials
Maaaaan Geneva got some hot s***, that whole clique is incredible, especially Makala and Varnish la Piscine, they got Dimeh too young legend...
word? that s*** you posted was tight man