Isn’t this his mom posting this?
might just be a younger sibling or other family member but the girl looks like Frank tbh. Maybe he had a kid still needs to drop his album
Craziest thing is that there's more than zero percent chance that someone on this forum will make this kid their profile picture
niggas who look like this annoy me pause
black cudi fans ass niggas
We need a black section on here bro
Why are we assuming this is his kid just because his mom posted it
Cousins, nieces, nephews, they all exist
In my very honest opinion, if you proudly claim yourself as a generational artist, you have to keep your fans fed with quality music. This behavior is unacceptable and the fact that my vinyl hasn’t arrived got me agitated
Don’t start with me young man
Whose alt is this
he dropped a baby before he drppped an album 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You were a dropped baby shut up
Why are they calling her a secret child? Who is she a secret from if his family knows lmao
Why are they calling her a secret child? Who is she a secret from if his family knows lmao
The public think they own u if u famous
Wow, lets say congratulations to an artist who has been leaving their fans in the desert for 6 years now!
this your second day on the forum and you’re already despicable smh
Why are they calling her a secret child? Who is she a secret from if his family knows lmao
The Drake and Pusha beef changed this. It’s not their kid it’s our kid too basically
those gentlemen ain't doing nothing but being black and successful
nah man you just gotta see it