  • May 2, 2023

    brian the goat

  • May 3, 2023

    crazy to see the youtube’s and twitter vids all down from this set meanwhile other acts fan vids r still up

  • May 3, 2023
    2 replies


    Glow in the Dark

    U2 Joshua Tree Tour 2017

    Frank Panorama 2017

    Bruce Springsteen Plays For 3hrs 48mins in Paris at 66 Years Old

    hi. editor here. used to be a big ktt head back in the day but haven't been on this 2.0 version yet

    you're completely right. this yeezus film is insane lol. i really thought it hadn't been done but i was very wrong

    what I will say is my editing is miles ahead :)

    thanks for all the love (and other thoughts) in this thread, cool to scroll through and see reactios.

    hope y'all enjoyed the cut. the variety article lowkey changed my life and has gotten me into some insane doors so thanks for the support

    much love

  • May 3, 2023
    1 reply

    hi. editor here. used to be a big ktt head back in the day but haven't been on this 2.0 version yet

    you're completely right. this yeezus film is insane lol. i really thought it hadn't been done but i was very wrong

    what I will say is my editing is miles ahead :)

    thanks for all the love (and other thoughts) in this thread, cool to scroll through and see reactios.

    hope y'all enjoyed the cut. the variety article lowkey changed my life and has gotten me into some insane doors so thanks for the support

    much love

    hey man,

    hope you saw my later comments— was honestly just in a hating mood lol. i watched the full cut of your coachella edit and was truly blown away. your editing skills are too clean for youtube/etc. i hope you’re networking and leveraging what you’ve got because you have a real gift for it.

    follow me if you want— i might be able to dm/connect you with some free legal advice if this cease and desist s*** gets out of hand.

    thanks for giving us that couldn’t make it out there a glimpse into a surreal moment in franks career. i guarantee you everyone that watched your edit had a better time than those that were there in person

  • May 3, 2023

    hey man,

    hope you saw my later comments— was honestly just in a hating mood lol. i watched the full cut of your coachella edit and was truly blown away. your editing skills are too clean for youtube/etc. i hope you’re networking and leveraging what you’ve got because you have a real gift for it.

    follow me if you want— i might be able to dm/connect you with some free legal advice if this cease and desist s*** gets out of hand.

    thanks for giving us that couldn’t make it out there a glimpse into a surreal moment in franks career. i guarantee you everyone that watched your edit had a better time than those that were there in person

    no hard feelings here my friend. appreciate the kind words

    it's funny because I'm actually on set of a feature film i'll be spending my summer editing and it's gonna be a real banger with some serious talent attached

    it was just really fun to take this as an opportunity to go like super hard on a fun little video before this production started even though i knew it wouldn't survive in public

    i actually am getting connected with a top tier film rights lawyer very soon to talk about what's possible with the film going forward. likely nothing but will be interesting to get the best opinion possible.

  • May 3, 2023
    1 reply

    Hoping somehow the editor wins out. This s*** is ridiculous and AEG and Frank are pieces of s***

  • May 4, 2023

    hi. editor here. used to be a big ktt head back in the day but haven't been on this 2.0 version yet

    you're completely right. this yeezus film is insane lol. i really thought it hadn't been done but i was very wrong

    what I will say is my editing is miles ahead :)

    thanks for all the love (and other thoughts) in this thread, cool to scroll through and see reactios.

    hope y'all enjoyed the cut. the variety article lowkey changed my life and has gotten me into some insane doors so thanks for the support

    much love

  • May 4, 2023
    · edited

    shoot me a follow

    Would you hit me with that too please?

  • May 4, 2023

    @brollfootage 🫡 hope incredible things are on the way for you

    @ralphlauren thank you

  • May 4, 2023
    1 reply

    @brollfootage got your message

    KTT2 doesn't notify you when you get DM'd so you should @ whoever you're messaging in a thread if you do DM

  • May 4, 2023

    saw this on twitter, this guy compiled all the best quality fan footage (from Tiktoks, Twitter and Youtube) and mixed the audio and edited the videos together to show Frank's set in a seamless manner

    EDIT: all links been taken down from coachella IP lawyers and they have threatened legal action against the editor

    “ Coachella parent company AEG is threatening legal action against a filmmaker who created a concert movie using found footage of Frank Ocean’s controversial April 16 set at the festival.

    Brian Kinnes, who did not attend Coachella, stitched together about 150 videos uploaded by concertgoers to YouTube, TikTok and Twitter to make an unofficial, multi-cut film that accounts for the entirety of Ocean’s set, which spanned about one hour and 20 minutes. Kinnes launched his film online Tuesday and, that same day, received a cease and desist order from entertainment company AEG, demanding that Kinnes “remove and destroy all audio and video content of musical performances from the Festival.””

    performance art

    Need the vid

  • May 4, 2023
    2 replies

  • lil ufo 🛸
    May 4, 2023

    everyone should upload this video

  • lil ufo 🛸
    May 4, 2023
    2 replies

    there's no audio?

  • May 4, 2023
    lil ufo

    there's no audio?


  • lil ufo 🛸
    May 4, 2023
    1 reply

    yeah this one works

  • lil ufo 🛸
    May 4, 2023
    1 reply

    if anyone needs it


    decode base64

  • CKL TML 🌺
    May 4, 2023
    2 replies
    lil ufo

    if anyone needs it


    decode base64

    Im a boomer at this point how do I use this
