  • doot

    Both Fraud Ocean and Childish Garbagebino are among the most mysterious artists in all of music today — but nothing the former ever does will ever top Cornbino’s mysterious mid he released in 2020. No actual song titles, no actual album cover, revealed in a random bizarre overnight livestream, crazy/weird/zany/bizarre artistic choices throughout the album, it will never ever be topped.

    Fraud Ocean is

  • Jan 16, 2023

  • Jan 16, 2023
    2 replies

    Wait why are y'all saying Frank is with Omar wasn't he just caught DMing an OF guy not too long ago

  • Jan 16, 2023
    2 replies

    Boring ass attitude

    Nothing boring about it
    these niggas are weird people

    Gambino all niggas of this elk are weird

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Nothing boring about it
    these niggas are weird people

    Gambino all niggas of this elk are weird

    You know damn well you just don’t got the brains to read things people write

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    You know damn well you just don’t got the brains to read things people write

    Ofc I don’t but they are just so off putting that I won’t try

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Facts. Comes across as pretentious tbh even for goats

    An artist being conceptual? Dam.

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Ofc I don’t but they are just so off putting that I won’t try

    It’s the other way around

    You lack passion, and anyone who cares more than you seems weird

  • Jan 16, 2023

    Wait why are y'all saying Frank is with Omar wasn't he just caught DMing an OF guy not too long ago

    Nobody in this thread knows a damn thing for sure. Lol

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Wait why are y'all saying Frank is with Omar wasn't he just caught DMing an OF guy not too long ago

    he wanted that guy to shoot for Homer iirc and the model painted it differently

  • Jan 16, 2023

    is it pretentious to write a vague album announcement with no information in the form of a detailed artist statement about a photograph from 2019 printed across the back of 2 posters set in illegible pink on pink text… no it is cool and appropriate

  • Jan 16, 2023

    he wanted that guy to shoot for Homer iirc and the model painted it differently

    LOL. I've heard the rumor with he was with Omar but haven't seen anything concrete yet. If true it makes sense to not be public about it, doubt Omar wants to be known as Frank's bf

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Singles model is stupid as hell for everything other than electronic music

    Single songs are never going to have the lasting impact of a body of work

  • Jan 16, 2023
    5 replies

    Thank god franks not like tyler or gambino and can actually back up his mysterious s*** with incredible music 🙏🏼

  • 009

    Red font on a red backing

  • Jan 16, 2023

    Thank god franks not like tyler or gambino and can actually back up his mysterious s*** with incredible music 🙏🏼

    Tyler's albums have been great though

  • honestly whatever man just drop the music

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    It’s the other way around

    You lack passion, and anyone who cares more than you seems weird

    Not true idc if someone has passion it’s just it comes outwardly as weird s*** not just music

  • Jan 16, 2023

    Thank god franks not like tyler or gambino and can actually back up his mysterious s*** with incredible music 🙏🏼

    Sounds like you're missing out on some great music

  • Jan 16, 2023

    Thank god franks not like tyler or gambino and can actually back up his mysterious s*** with incredible music 🙏🏼

    at least tyler and gambino actually drop music

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Singles model is stupid as hell for everything other than electronic music

    Single songs are never going to have the lasting impact of a body of work

    If we look at all the singles he's released since Blonde, none of them really sound like they could be on the same project. They also frankly weren't up to his usual standard. I think it made sense, especially with how they relate to the club nights he was running. But with the vinyl scamming and whatnot it quickly got weird

  • Jan 16, 2023

    it’s hilarious and sad that Frank alluding to the fact that he’s interested in making an album is big news

  • Corniest thing I’ve ever seen

  • Jan 16, 2023
    1 reply

    Thank god franks not like tyler or gambino and can actually back up his mysterious s*** with incredible music 🙏🏼

    Tyler hate in 2023 🙄

  • Jan 16, 2023

    Anything but dropping the music

    It has been almost 7 years
