I'm skipping showers and switching socks.
Sleeping good and long
Bones feeling dense f***
Wish a nigga would cross
And catch a…
I'm skipping showers and switching socks.
it's actually insane how good that song is written lmfao the remix was nuts
and that's fine, but if there was a rubric for a good live performance this would get an F
Your cheese grater looking ass brain couldnt draw a rubric on paper if your life depended on it
me after watching the performance knowing how much defending i was gnna have to do
it's actually insane how good that song is written lmfao the remix was nuts
ive had the remix on repeat, crazy how well he reworked it
Your cheese grater looking ass brain couldnt draw a rubric on paper if your life depended on it
yeah? prove it.
Your cheese grater looking ass brain couldnt draw a rubric on paper if your life depended on it
Ya avi a bit tilted fix it!
the part where he just dancing around a bit with the backing track playing was lame af
that s*** was gangsta but i understand why people are mad but at the end of the day the thread was about the fact he has nothing to prove or redeem. the fact all them people was there to hear that shows he has nothing to redeem lmfao, hopefully he can actually perform it next time but ngl if he doesnt do it and only lip syncs i am not mad lmfaooooooo
My favorite songs were the 2 minutes of dead air in between every song
What a bold homage to John Cage's 4'33
12 pages under an hour?
i get the e-streets going
My favorite songs were the 2 minutes of dead air in between every song
What a bold homage to John Cage's 4'33
it was on purpose and intentional to his art. Not everyone gonna get it
My favorite songs were the 2 minutes of dead air in between every song
What a bold homage to John Cage's 4'33
He was letting u niggas breathe and bask in greatness
My favorite songs were the 2 minutes of dead air in between every song
What a bold homage to John Cage's 4'33
yall really complaining about 2 min of silence if thom yorke did it yall would call it genius
My favorite songs were the 2 minutes of dead air in between every song
What a bold homage to John Cage's 4'33
so artists cant let songs marinate now ??
yeah? prove it.
Fact you think i need to prove it is all we need to know. Your brain look like a pink cheeto
He was letting u niggas breathe and bask in greatness
but fr its probably him getting his nerves together dude was probably so shook