i love how any time on this god forsaken app when you stand up for something its called d*** riding. find another way of describing how you feel
you should need a license the way you riding that nigga d*** right now
You mention so many times white fans
Why yall fans cant just accept he f***ed up
i never said he didnt, im saying he doesnt have to redeem himself to a bunch of entitled white kids
hope Frank performs better next round, I hope he shows and its executed better. that’s all I request, oh and treating staff well. that would be cool
won’t someone plz think of the white people 😖😖😖
Frank hired Em bro he had them in mind
you should need a license the way you riding that nigga d*** right now
youll never reveal your identity on this website and will continue to s*** post behind the shield of obscure avys. i dont care
KTT stop thinking about white people challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
white person mad over here
white person mad over here
or maybe i’m sick and tired of hearing about ppl whine over crackers in every thread?
youll never reveal your identity on this website and will continue to s*** post behind the shield of obscure avys. i dont care
or maybe i’m sick and tired of hearing about ppl whine over crackers in every thread?
ok white boy
"Even though you waited for this moment in the same way that everyone else did, you don't understand his legacy like I do because I know the CODES. I am intelligent"
just saw the set in 4k and it was definitely overblown. funny s*** from frank and only ye could pull something like this.
Is this pasta or a real post
you are clearly a delusional frank stan from the first sentence of your post, idk why anyone is taking you seriously
Folks released 1 good album in like 13 years, y’all gotta get him off this pedestal
"Even though you waited for this moment in the same way that everyone else did, you don't understand his legacy like I do because I know the CODES. I am intelligent"
I always supported DOOM sending out a doppelgänger because pulling that is probably more effort than I’m willing to give. I’d sit on stage in a gaming chair and read my s***.