We’re gonna need a KTT boxing match
U gone get knocked out 12 times
U gone get knocked out 12 times
Im bringing a gun to the ring i dont fight
I said this before but he’s lucky he pulled that s*** at coachella and not Woodstock 99 lol
You said you and thousand of strangers didn’t like it so it was bad, but me and another thousand strangers liked it so your point is dumb and moot
If you didn’t like it that’s fine, music is subjective, but stop trying to make it an objective fact that it was bad when it’s literally not one
You’re an idiot lmao
The overwhelming majority feels like this was a bad performance. No one is denying there are people who disagree with that.
Please learn what a general consensus is.
Just like it’s not an objective fact that Blonde is a great album, but the GENERAL CONSENSUS is that it is
I swear to God u act like the police
Sometimes it’s not about being paid and about being part of something beautiful, which the skaters lost out on
Beautiful aint gonna feed nor keep the heater on for my kids
Art major students at community college with no responsibility trying to cope are d*** riding abuse & trash again for their own fantasy
Art major students at community college with no responsibility trying to cope are d*** riding abuse & trash again for their own fantasy
if you went to community college you might be able to write a coherent sentence and not style yourself like you been working at a food truck for 40 years
Folks released 1 good album in like 13 years, y’all gotta get him off this pedestal
1????? nigga came out the gate with greatness..