Frank Ocean aint been the same since he got his harem of d***.
Thirsty niggas make the best music, FACT
always gotta sneak these thread in the dead of night lol
I know one of these corrupt mods must be a frank Stan
Classic bad KTT thread. Reactionary take based on a couple of songs, title with awful grammar, posted in the middle of the night, no content in OP.
Classic bad KTT thread. Reactionary take based on a couple of songs, title with awful grammar, posted in the middle of the night, no content in OP.
that is an interesting perspective agree to disagree
I hope he drops the house album he was talking about
same here, that peaked my interest when i had read that in the interview. But im also happy checking out anything he decides to release.
In response to the OP, I think hes put out enough quality content from nostalgia ultra to the present for people to not simply jump ship or make judgements off a few singles. also bland as a biscuit? In My Room sounds like a pretty standard Frank song to me, which isn't a bad thing especially since hes done enough to establish his own sound where its not generic or oversaturated. And DHL is definitely not your run of the mill rap song, in the beginning frank's using his voices to differentiate perspective like he did on Blonde and it makes for a very ethereal vibe. And the rest of it is Frank rapping which we really dont get that much of other then in bits and pieces on some of his own songs and a handful of features. The one with skepta i havent listened to cuz i have yet to find audio that wasnt ripped from the initial showing of it live and id rather wait.
Classic bad KTT thread. Reactionary take based on a couple of songs, title with awful grammar, posted in the middle of the night, no content in OP.
its too early to call but make no mistake those new singles ESPECIALLY dhl are nothing compared to his most recent music before this
2017 blonded singles had me convinced frank was about to top blonde
these ones got me feeling like the opposite lmao
Op smokes black & milds