nah this isnt it
for example type in “wise man frank ocean” his page still comes up
Thread cancelled
If you search Little Demon Frank Ocean on Apple Music
Frank’s profile shows up 👀 If you try another unreleased song or a Nostalgia Ultra song it doesn’t work, he’s coming
it shows frank because you typed his name
@safe can a mod look into why i cant make a thread
it’s been over 24h since last one
it shows frank because you typed his name
...and if you search “Slide On Me” or other unreleased songs with his name, his profile doesn’t show up
If you search Little Demon Frank Ocean on Apple Music
Frank’s profile shows up 👀 If you try another unreleased song or a Nostalgia Ultra song it doesn’t work, he’s coming
maybe cause a recording of it was played on blonded last year?
it shows frank because you typed his name
well to be fair if you type in any song on nU with his name after, it doesnt show up but yea
@safe can a mod look into why i cant make a thread
it’s been over 24h since last one
You got thread limits