Will Frank ocean drop a deluxe for his album?
Place your bets below!
He know what he doin it’s gon be sum prob not album maybe a single
Guess we’ll see
I mean the ig wipe is the only sign? I don’t trust Frank much
michael uzowuru liked a tweet saying that he cleared his ig
Why do y’all do this to yourselves.
You know Frank Ocean hates his fans and gets a rise out of letting them down
Will Frank ocean drop a deluxe for his album?
Place your bets below!
Have y’all not learned Frank is not the type to do anything other people do he’s not dropping no deluxe I’ll bet anything on it
it shows frank because you typed his name
Who knew if you search frank ocean on apple frank ocean appears
Who knew if you search frank ocean on apple frank ocean appears
frank ocean
i bet he wiped it just to wipe it
It’s not that weird of a thing to do
Some people just wanna start fresh with a new feed it ain’t that deep
It’s not that weird of a thing to do
Some people just wanna start fresh with a new feed it ain’t that deep
i mean the fact that he did it on new years eve adds to the chances of it being potentially significant
could be nothing but the way some of yall ignore context is astounding tho for real
would fit the club theme of the album that he was talking about if it dropped on new years. i wish