He liked Rosalia’s new post, and he hasn’t really been actively liking people’s stuff this whole year so I think it’s more so he’s back on Instagram then him deactivating
he likes posts of hers all the time
Told u f***ing idiots. Huge, huge reach. CLB is on the system so that means it’s coming out immediately? Are you dumb? It’s obviously coming soon but wtf made u say today?
It could’ve been like that for a week already and u didn’t notice
Frank Ocean honestly is a huge piece of s*** when it comes to his fans, but we allow him to be because he dropped 2 masterpieces with Channel Orange and Blonde.
well his brother died too this year so i'm not expecting s***
also people in this sxn need to stop being corny. stop predicting he is going to retire because his brother died.
In 2 more hours we’ll see no frank no carti deluxe nun no drake no j cole nothing that’s been hyped for new years tbh
In 2 more hours we’ll see no frank no carti deluxe nun no drake no j cole nothing that’s been hyped for new years tbh
so life goes on
In 2 more hours we’ll see no frank no carti deluxe nun no drake no j cole nothing that’s been hyped for new years tbh
carti concert tonight
In 2 more hours we’ll see no frank no carti deluxe nun no drake no j cole nothing that’s been hyped for new years tbh
I'm not emotionally ready for Frank's next album after the s*** he went through this year tbh. Not that I think it's dropping anytime soon anyway
I'm not emotionally ready for Frank's next album after the s*** he went through this year tbh. Not that I think it's dropping anytime soon anyway
30 min for L
No way anything but thank you for blond man nikes on 2021 after over is crazy vibes