if frank released an album in 2021, it'd flood the AM charts for 2 weeks (with one song closest to Nights hitting #47 on Billboard) and then the hype would leave already and ktt2 would be littered with threads like 'so this was it?', 'frank will never have another blonde' etc. and 2025 people will always still talk about blonde and not the most recent album, because they had better memories attached to blonde.
This is every release ever these days and I hate it
if you went to your boss & told them a close family member died so you were quitting forever & never working another day in your life, how do you think that’d go?
Imagine being such a wage cuck you think your boss would give a single f***
if frank released an album in 2021, it'd flood the AM charts for 2 weeks (with one song closest to Nights hitting #47 on Billboard) and then the hype would leave already and ktt2 would be littered with threads like 'so this was it?', 'frank will never have another blonde' etc. and 2025 people will always still talk about blonde and not the most recent album, because they had better memories attached to blonde.
his heart isn't in music anymore.
it's over.
blonded era will be a nostlagic moment for a lot of people and will never be recreated.
ah, didnt know frank's therapist is a KTT poster! tell him i said hello
Tbh I used to say the same thing with regards to Channel Orange, but I was wrong. Most artists wouldn’t be capable of making a project better than Blonde, but Frank can.
Eh hopefully I’m wrong, but I really wonder if Frank can put out an album like Blonde again. Blonde really shifted a paradigm in music and broke boundaries that traditional pop albums hadn’t done before. I’m certain Frank can drop great albums again, but idk if it would ever be as great. Especially after the last couple of songs. In my room, DHL, etc. were great songs, but it feels like they came and went.
Then again it feels weird speculating on this guy’s career after the loss he went through. I’d also be content if he never made music again and decided to go about his life. Frank has brought incredible memories and art into my life, and I just hope he’s happy in wherever he decides to venture next.
Frank Ocean has never done anything interesting or talented in his life and I would be absolutely fine if he retired from music forever
Frank Ocean has never done anything interesting or talented in his life and I would be absolutely fine if he retired from music forever
Frank Ocean has never done anything interesting or talented in his life and I would be absolutely fine if he retired from music forever
Frank Ocean has never done anything interesting or talented in his life and I would be absolutely fine if he retired from music forever
he knew when blond was ready.
he knows when the next one will be. relax its not that deep
Frank is the DEFINITION of mysterious music, cultivating an artsy aesthetic to hide the complete lack of substance in his albums. He is also a craven shameless capitalist who scams his fans. Him and Tyler are cut from the same disgusting cloth.
Eh hopefully I’m wrong, but I really wonder if Frank can put out an album like Blonde again. Blonde really shifted a paradigm in music and broke boundaries that traditional pop albums hadn’t done before. I’m certain Frank can drop great albums again, but idk if it would ever be as great. Especially after the last couple of songs. In my room, DHL, etc. were great songs, but it feels like they came and went.
Lmao blond didn’t shift pop music in any way that pet sounds didn’t already in 1966
Blond doesn’t get enough hate for just being a pet sounds reboot tbh
Frank is the DEFINITION of mysterious music, cultivating an artsy aesthetic to hide the complete lack of substance in his albums. He is also a craven shameless capitalist who scams his fans. Him and Tyler are cut from the same disgusting cloth.
shut the f*** up
And Luther Vandross's discography says more about the LGBT experience than Frank ever has, or ever will, despite Luther Vandross being closeted his whole life. Frank is an Uncle Yiannopolous
Frank is the DEFINITION of mysterious music, cultivating an artsy aesthetic to hide the complete lack of substance in his albums. He is also a craven shameless capitalist who scams his fans. Him and Tyler are cut from the same disgusting cloth.
Nah frank makes great music
But bro def a scammer atp, its crazy