Last time he build a staircase on livestream for 2 weeks and then dropped a fake album. This isn’t even close to mysterious enough y’all actually think he’s dropping
Last time he build a staircase on livestream for 2 weeks and then dropped a fake album. This isn’t even close to mysterious enough y’all actually think he’s dropping
Atleast the fake album had Rushes
let's see if he finally drops an album as good as Kiss Land
I love Kiss Land
I love your posts
But come on!
let's see if he finally drops an album as good as Kiss Land
Trilogy > Blonde > Kiss Land
then what's ur point
That it doesn’t need to be the only thing we associate with frank ocean every time he’s brought up. He’s not the guy whose little brother died he’s much more than that.
I see anytime people even bring up the possibility of new music there’s a huge “bro his brother died 6 months ago why do you have the nerve to even think about new music” and while yes, losing a brother is horrendously tragic, I don’t think that is the entire whole picture of who frank is
let's see if he finally drops an album as good as Kiss Land
I love The Weeknd but we don’t have to do this
don't want to be always the pessimistic guy, but it looks way more like him cleaning a social media he hasn't been using for a year than starting a rollout of some sort