wild four tet & FP disrespect
You're not gonna check that Caribou slander?
wild four tet & FP disrespect
four tet did his thing already and fp sounds like an offender nickname
Caught in 4k buddy
i didn’t say that we just joshin around
You're not gonna check that Caribou slander?
You're not gonna check that Caribou slander?
please the best thing i could say about new caribou is that it isn't 'that' offensive, he's a massive talent but no i don't want to hear him tuning his voice into imaginary ladies
please the best thing i could say about new caribou is that it isn't 'that' offensive, he's a massive talent but no i don't want to hear him tuning his voice into imaginary ladies
Neither do I and it broke my heart finding out, but I cannot sit here and pretend that Broke My Heart & Come Find Me aren't fantastic tunes.
Neither do I and it broke my heart finding out, but I cannot sit here and pretend that Broke My Heart & Come Find Me aren't fantastic tunes.
it just doesn't hit for me?
i almost think he didn't like the reliance on sampling on the last record l so he decided to DIY but you can only carry a tune so far with your own voice thrown into the system - and i think that is the one genre that will expose it very quick
y'all hate everything
@proper start a thread out of nozcord 💕
where'd you find this
@proper start a thread out of nozcord 💕
ngl i’m kinda zoot mane so i have no idea what this means right now lmfso
ngl i’m kinda zoot mane so i have no idea what this means right now lmfso
waiting on a @proper thread sharing tunes on here that isn't on the stress the extinction agenda discord
You're not gonna check that Caribou slander?
Like Mariah Carey said, I don't know her
what is a 'big get' for coachella anymore though, what's the scene?
One of the pop girlies
A charli headliner would go crazy