Starting to realize this hate is great for Ak tbh. Everybody talking bout him
Guess it’s true Every publicity is good publicity
Starting to realize this hate is great for Ak tbh. Everybody talking bout him
Guess it’s true Every publicity is good publicity
it’s all jayhah emojis and good publicity until ak sitting alone in his house while it eats away at his soul and the moans of celina powell getting f***ed by nba playes echo out of his guest bedroom and he slurp another tub of henny to wash away the loneliness
it’s all jayhah emojis and good publicity until ak sitting alone in his house while it eats away at his soul and the moans of celina powell getting f***ed by nba playes echo out of his guest bedroom and he slurp another tub of henny to wash away the loneliness
Trust me bro he can pull any b**** he want. All b****es care about is how well known you are