  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply
    shadow cipher

    i recall that he said this song didn't fit bandana and would be on Montana

    Nah I need citations on this or I gotta block you off principle, nothing personal

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Montana Beats

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Montana Beats

    Benny feature

  • Feb 13, 2020
    2 replies

    Nah I need citations on this or I gotta block you off principle, nothing personal

    he said in an interview that there were songs from the Bandana sessions that were better than all the songs, but they didn't fit the album, and they could make Montana. I'mma see if i can find the interview

  • Feb 13, 2020
    shadow cipher

    he said in an interview that there were songs from the Bandana sessions that were better than all the songs, but they didn't fit the album, and they could make Montana. I'mma see if i can find the interview

    I will be waiting

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply
    shadow cipher

    he said in an interview that there were songs from the Bandana sessions that were better than all the songs, but they didn't fit the album, and they could make Montana. I'mma see if i can find the interview

    It’s the interview where he says he’s better than doom I think

  • Feb 13, 2020
    1 reply

    It’s the interview where he says he’s better than doom I think

    this is the interview, and around the 32:00 mark he talks about Montana sounding better, but not that about Bandana not having the best songs.

  • Feb 13, 2020
    shadow cipher

    this is the interview, and around the 32:00 mark he talks about Montana sounding better, but not that about Bandana not having the best songs.

    Error occurred, but I believe you, salute.

  • Feb 16, 2020

    This snippet is insane

  • Feb 16, 2020
    2 replies

    I need that John Gotti Karate! Please don't be scrapped

  • Feb 16, 2020
    1 reply

    I need that John Gotti Karate! Please don't be scrapped

    Same man, these guys really about to drop a top 5 trilogy

  • Feb 16, 2020

    Same man, these guys really about to drop a top 5 trilogy

    So far they are 2 for 2! When Montana delivers this will be my favorite trilogy next to Dropout and the middle Kast albums.

    I already know this just because its Fred and Madlib, they cannot miss

    Also in the interview with Ebro after Bandana, Fred mentioned wanting to do as many albums he could with Madlib, that gets me hype too

  • Feb 16, 2020

    I think we gonna get this sooner than we got bandana after pinata if that makes sense. I say 2-3 years tops

  • Feb 16, 2020

    I need that John Gotti Karate! Please don't be scrapped


  • Feb 16, 2020

    can’t wait

  • May 13, 2020
    1 reply

    "We could keep going. We could do a hundred albums if the demand is there for it. We got so many records, bro. Whenever we ready to push the button, it's over with."

  • In for 3rd classic

  • bloem

    "We could keep going. We could do a hundred albums if the demand is there for it. We got so many records, bro. Whenever we ready to push the button, it's over with."

  • Jun 20, 2020
  • Jun 22, 2020

    I just want to hear Gibbs with Jay Electronica & Kendrick Lamar and I wouldn’t ask for anything else really

  • Feb 1, 2021

  • Feb 1, 2021
    1 reply

    need fts from eto flee lord
    willie and roc together
    benny push conway
    also would like to see a v don gibbs tape

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Why do I have this feeling that they’re gearing up for something?

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    need fts from eto flee lord
    willie and roc together
    benny push conway
    also would like to see a v don gibbs tape

    Nah, not on this tape...

    A separate tape, but not this one. Okay maybe some.. maybe!

  • Mar 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Why do I have this feeling that they’re gearing up for something?

    Nah last one is like 18 months old, we're probably a couple years out. I can wait though, two classics out now and you can't rush perfection