lmaooo Gold Rings is the same beat I went to the OP my first listen to see who produced it
between Space Rabbit and Gold Rings these Canadian niggas are NOT playing fair
What’s everyone’s Top 3?
Dark Hearted
Grandmas Stove
Couldn’t be Done
Space Rabbit
Moneybagg verse >>>>>
flyer than an eagle when I’m touching down in Philly
The stretch from Rabbit Vision thru CIA has absolutely 0 misses
Couldn’t Be Done to Decoded too
What’s everyone’s Top 3?
Dark Hearted
Grandmas Stove
Couldn’t be Done
Dark Hearted
Zipper Bagz
Leaving CIA and BITR is crazy tho
What’s everyone’s Top 3?
Dark Hearted
Grandmas Stove
Couldn’t be Done
Dark hearted
Blackest in the room
Lobster omelette
O dam offset f***ed this whole song up
Only bad song on there, but yeah it’s s***
Decoded is my fav
Only bad song on there, but yeah it’s s***
Got Halfway through the album n it’s honestly top 10 albums I’ve heard this year so far just based on the consistency . Freddie always delivers
O dam offset f***ed this whole song up
y'all really think so huh? I feel like I can't have a problem with Offset's verse and not Moneybagg's lol both decent verses that fit with the song imo
y'all really think so huh? I feel like I can't have a problem with Offset's verse and not Moneybagg's lol both decent verses that fit with the song imo
Moneybag and Offset ain’t my style but they do their thing and I def vibe with if I’m in the right mood
What’s everyone’s Top 3?
Dark Hearted
Grandmas Stove
Couldn’t be Done
Dark Hearted
Feel no pain
y'all really think so huh? I feel like I can't have a problem with Offset's verse and not Moneybagg's lol both decent verses that fit with the song imo
Moneybagg grew on me but still slightly mid but fit then song. Offset just was trash in general didn’t sound like he fit