No he shouldn’t. F*** that loser alcoholic fat faced tap dancing maga f***.
Go OFF king
No he shouldn’t. F*** that loser alcoholic fat faced tap dancing maga f***.
Big AK is MAGA?
Big AK is MAGA?
Yup said he’d vote for trump in 2024
It should be more like FAT F*** AK tbh
I read on Rap’s instagram post that a deluxe is dropping????
yeah it dropped. feel like heard all these already tho
"bonus edition" cover simple but way cleaner
too bad all 5 tracks were pre-album singles
They just tacked on the loosies to the album and called it deluxe lmao
ain’t that all deluxe albums these days?
They just tacked on the loosies to the album and called it deluxe lmao
It’s not a deluxe
This dude Freddie cooked up the worst deluxe I've seen in a minute by just tacking on the loosies we already had
Main album still goes crazy tho
This dude Freddie cooked up the worst deluxe I've seen in a minute by just tacking on the loosies we already had
Main album still goes crazy tho
Dude it’s a bonus album.. if we get a deluxe which I hope we do.. we getting NEW s***
Dude it’s a bonus album.. if we get a deluxe which I hope we do.. we getting NEW s***
Maaan I hope this ain't it, still gives off deluxe vibes even if the wording is different, need all of the new s*** from the big rabbit that I can get
Gotta get the money man...
lowkey need more freddie x migos trap bangers
Offset f***s that song up so bad
Offset f***s that song up so bad
you don't vibe with it? offset is the cherry on the top for me
you don't vibe with it? offset is the cherry on the top for me
I like the song, well placed use of the bone thugs and harmony part then offset comes in and I’m like
Still a great album though