Ruthless is the one
Ruthless is the one
might be Careless of this album
song that can be played everywhere and got that catchy feel
Great album
Gonna be slept on heavy, but it deserves some acknowledgment
Blue Lips
You Only Die 1nce
I Lay Down My Life For You
Elite Vessel
Alligator Bites Never Heal
Glimmer of God
Why Lawd?
We Don't Trust You
Head Rush
this year been really good
Best year this decade so far for hip-hop music
Give it 4-5 years and people gonna be hella nostalgic for it.
This could be Freddie's best album
Nah but itโs top 5 I think
Neck and neck with Shadow Of A Doubt
Freddie is probably the closest thing weโll ever get to pac rap wise, when he gets into that pocket no one can f with him
This could be Freddie's best album
hell na but its great
steel doors is so crazy
Only one upload on the whole internet and itโs clean
been playing explicit version on spotify daily