Push beat Drake of course he's beating Freddie
Realest s*** I’ve seen you post
No one knows or cares about Gibbs
So Pusha
Lmaooo u a piece of s***
Push's solo category isn't touching Gibbs', and it's surprising given the notoriety of one and relative obscurity of the other.
freddie is an amazing artist but old english is the only song in his discography that could even be close to considered a hit
The song with Big Sean too
Push not even close. All due respect to Freddie Gibbs who currently holds the mantel.
Gibbs is the king of it currently but Push has loosies that rival Gibbs best work imo
Yeah, you put on something like Lunch Money and it's gonna be genuinely hard to compete, Gibbs is fantastic but Pusha's on another level with hits for decades
Pinata is better than every Push solo album tho
When Montana is out I'll can see an argument for Freddie winning