these streaming app related threads get so annoying because it just turns into "yOu CaNt AfFoRd It??" sorry not everyone has it like you b**** ass kids stop pocket watching
If you can afford an iPhone or Computer to post on this site you definitely can afford to pay 10 bucks month for streaming
Nothing in life is free.
These hands and these bans
you can buy a subscription to any streaming service for a year off of reddit or ebay lmao
Damn bro if you don’t even have 10 dollars listening to music should be your last priority
Download from Soulseek, ain't no streaming for your broke ass
I’ve never heard of soulseek that’s da new mp3 site or sumn?
For hip hop.. datpiff
Lotta full albums are uploaded there as well as normal streaming services and it’s free.
I don’t even think you ever have to listen to ads but if you do, it’s not nearly as often as free Spotify
U saying datpiff upgraded and changed?
Piracy paired with Plex media server is a free music service
I don’t understand, is piracy an app or da act of piracy, I’ve never heard of plex im going 2 look
Just download a moded spotify apk if u got android
I’m gonna YouTube how 2 do that thank you
I’m gonna YouTube how 2 do that thank you
just download this s*** and install it on your phone
I’ve never heard of soulseek that’s da new mp3 site or sumn?
A program to download mp3s and it's not new
I don’t understand, is piracy an app or da act of piracy, I’ve never heard of plex im going 2 look
The act of piracy and a plex server
plex is just your own personal media server and you can host music on it and make it your own streaming app
just download this s*** and install it on your phone
It’s for android? I got Apple but thanks imma slide dis to one of my peoples
Is it simple or it’s steps I gotta do?