if they make a netflix movie about this, i need it to be an anime akin to the boondocks.
if they make a netflix movie about this, i need it to be an anime akin to the boondocks.
They could drop it as a comic too
Schardt argues that they were ordered to be here for a 9am start and they sat for 2 hours this morning not knowing that the judge, prosecutors and witness Kenneth Copeland were in judge's chambers having an ex parte meeting.
The judge had the opportunity to at the very least let the defense teams know he held an ex parte meeting this morning without disclosing the details. He did not. He called court into session, called for the jury and Lil Woody took the stand. This is after, allegedly, Woody admitted to Judge Glanville that he killed Donovan Thomas.
Schardt says having an ex parte meeting with a witness that has already been sworn in and not letting the defense know, is not right.
Judge denies Schardt's motion for mistrial.
This gotta be the messiest trial i’ve ever seen, some of the s*** that’s happened looks straight out of an Snl skit or some s***.
Its up there
"Mr. Steel, last time, who told you?" Glanville asked Steel again.
Steel did not answer and he is in custody.
Judge Glanville has just ordered Brian Steel to be taken into custody for refusing to divulge who told him about the meeting between Glanville, the state and Woody’s attorney.
Glanville says he’s not pausing the trail but Adams is refusing to continue to represent Thug.