Reading through the last handful of pages trying to catch up, can someone plz give a quick sentence or two summary of what's happening right now
Reading through the last handful of pages trying to catch up, can someone plz give a quick sentence or two summary of what's happening right now
Steel (thugs lawyer) got 20 days in jail on weekends
Reading through the last handful of pages trying to catch up, can someone plz give a quick sentence or two summary of what's happening right now
judge & DA did something very illegal
thugs lawyer called them out on it
judge asked him how he got his info and thugs lawyer refused to tell
so judge is throwing thugs lawyer in jail
judge & DA did something very illegal
thugs lawyer called them out on it
judge asked him how he got his info and thugs lawyer refused to tell
so judge is throwing thugs lawyer in jail
bless, thank you
imagine thug gets out. That first album in freedom gonna hit like crack
That first day out track is going crazy
Brian steel in the video throwing up slime
That first day out track is going crazy
Brian steel in the video throwing up slime
walking around with a t-shirt saying " F*** YFN Glanville "
That first day out track is going crazy
Brian steel in the video throwing up slime
i think the general public would even wait for a whole tape. "Truly Humble Under God"
i think the general public would even wait for a whole tape. "Truly Humble Under God"
F*** it we need that intro from Steel
Track 1 - “Steel I Rise”
Triple entendre don’t ask me how
F*** it we need that intro from Steel
Track 1 - “Steel I Rise”
Triple entendre don’t ask me how
"Track 1 - “Steel I Rise”
imagine thug gets out. That first album in freedom gonna hit like crack
He getting out
Trump will pardon steele and thug
imagine thug gets out. That first album in freedom gonna hit like crack
Thug always been an outlier though
Does this mean theyre cell mates? This could be a stupid af question but idk how this stuff works in the usa
How can this trial even continue? The judge is literally sitting there asking “How did you obtain this info” in regards to his own illegal actions, thus admitting it happened.
Like what are we doing here?
Twitter space rn
judge & DA did something very illegal
thugs lawyer called them out on it
judge asked him how he got his info and thugs lawyer refused to tell
so judge is throwing thugs lawyer in jail
If this is absolutely what happened then SURELY this gets deemed a mistrial right??? The judge & DA doing ILLEGAL activities got to be deemed that in any state
i think the general public would even wait for a whole tape. "Truly Humble Under God"
Truly Humble Under God being the album title with a cover of him being freed with all of Atlanta in the back... we might see 300K first week