Nothing too new from detective Thorpe's testimony so far. Mostly just going over the steps/timeline of how Thorpe obtained certain pieces of information and how certain suspects got charged and then later got charges.
Lunch till 1:30.
The state is done questioning Thorpe.
Young Thug's attorney Brian Steel is the first to cross-examine Thorpe.
Just released from the hospital, YSL witness Quindarius Zachary is expected to take the stand after lunch.
Should he refuse to testify Adriane Love says she will ask that he be jailed.
does anybody know how many witnesses are left?
Why does buddy look like the dude who rolled a blunt in virtual court
expected a lil less since at least 75 were called by July 10 and I read it's around 190-200 total
Quindarius Zachary is back on the stand wearing a hoodie instead of the jail jumpsuit he wore on Friday.
The jury is being brought out to continue his testimony.
Similar to Kenneth Copeland’s testimony, Love is asking Zachary about some of the stuff said during an interview Zachary had with APD detectives Gaither and Dennis.
Zachary doesn’t recall the interview so then the state will try to introduce the interview.
“I’m angry today,” Zachary said.
Zachary said the state won’t let him take his medicine and basically locked up him and his family over the weekend at his mom’s house.
He said he is not afraid of jail and would rather be there than impacting his family.
It appears Zachary does not have a lawyer present in court after he fired his attorney Dennis Scheib on Friday.
Seems that Love is trying to do with Zachary the same thing they did with Copeland.
Judge Whitaker seems to be tired of the lengthy questioning by the state.
Love is arguing that she needs to ask those questions to ensure that they can present the state’s case.
Love is asking Whitaker to allow the state to continue asking the questions she wants to ask, regardless of how long it takes.
Whitaker keeps telling her to make her questions more direct.
Love seems set on arguing to be allowed to ask as many questions as she wants even after Whitaker tells her to be more focused.
he lowkey worst than Woody ngl, in a way that idk if this gonna impact negatively the defense
Today has just been a day full of delays, bench conferences and pauses.
It seems Love is set on making sure every little detail is in while Whitaker and other attorneys want to move along.
Zachary took the stand on Friday and it's expected that he will continue to be questioned into tomorrow.