Welcome comrade, what position would you like?
I’ll like to be the Weed Carrier
put me in @Sinewave
put me in @Sinewave
Welcome aboard. What position would you like?
Welcome aboard. What position would you like?
idc man, just put me in, general maybe
To talk about French
idk man, there's already a forum called kanye​tothe
idk if people ever said : ''Y'all gotta be very obsessed with that Kanye West to post in a forum with his name''
Happy Birthday to The KING OF NY: FRENCH MONTANA
I’m pulling out my best Alphet TONIGHT
Remember when Jeezy came in the game saying he was Mr. 17.5 then he switched it to payin “Lebron” for the recession
Meanwhile French was letting them b****es go for the super low if you think about it
This all hypothetical not snitchin because rap niggas be lying but i wanna make a youtube video about d*** game economics in rap
Thread hilarious
We need you to make these niggas weak on behalf of the Defense Force