@young_social rejoicing
Well it’s better than the entirety of The Big Day so he automatically won
But yea he did good on this
He hasn’t lost me cause this was his last straw
@young_social rejoicing
Crazy how unhyped I am about Chance nowadays
Still a really good song tho. 2018 me would be going crazy rn
Crazy how unhyped I am about Chance nowadays
Still a really good song tho. 2018 me would be going crazy rn
tbd really left a big dent in the chance fanbase
i aint check it out though yet lmaooo
Chance lame for his no Biden, no Trump s*** but will never condemn Capitalism
Capitalism great
F*** Biden and Trump tho
my god this s*** is crazy
Best song since The Man Who Had Everything.
Better then every song on TBD. Even Sun Comes Down. Definitely a difference when he’s trying
Now give me 12-13 tracks with this quality and you’ll be able to somewhat bounce back in terms of popularity.
He’ll never be as big as he was in 2016 again, but he could get back to how big he was in 2018 if he drops something that you can’t meme.