nah u called them the realest to ever do music
ain't s*** real about what kanye west has been doing/saying, he's severly disconnected from reality with his antics imo
Lmao the irony
I love how you’re comparing Prince being homophobic to the entire MAGA era like they’re even comparable but go off
Yeah I think disliking an entire class of people for something they cant control is worse than supporting a s***ty president
Are you f***ing serious
I love how you’re comparing Prince being homophobic to the entire MAGA era like they’re even comparable but go off
U stan a trump supporter
Lebron would make MJ, Magic and them boys look like water boys if he played back then.
lmao just wow
“Slavery for 400 years? That sounds like a choice”
Very ‘real’
Bro go back to reddit pls
Probably that its messy but still amazing so now its just standard to have messy albums
*Fans are THE reason why the quality is dipping in rap.
Labels and radio are equally complicit as well
over 75% of posters on each of these ten pages have more musical talent than yeat
over 75% of posters on each of these ten pages have more musical talent than yeat
Thank you bro i appreciate that
Yeah I think disliking an entire class of people for something they cant control is worse than supporting a s***ty president
Are you f***ing serious
Boy if you don’t f*** outta here with this disingenuous ass post.
Using your huge platform and influence to support someone who can actually do damage is a whole other level than one nigga simply being a bigot
KanYe had a whole campaign secretly funded by the people on the right, f*** you think they were doing that for?
Yeah I think disliking an entire class of people for something they cant control is worse than supporting a s***ty president
Are you f***ing serious
the s***ty president ye supports also dislikes entire classes of people for things they can't control (race, gender, sexual orientation)
s***ty president is too light for what trumpism ushered in imo
the s***ty president ye supports also dislikes entire classes of people for things they can't control (race, gender, sexual orientation)
s***ty president is too light for what trumpism ushered in imo
Ok and Im saying that doesnt make Kanye not Kanye or Prince not Prince. Niggas still fw both even though they have beliefs we dont agree with.
Do you realize how stupid you look tryna downplay someone being homophobic because it doesnt suit your argument. Ive already said the trump s*** is what it is. But you wont do the same to a nigga who thought it was ok to discriminate based on the bible
he literally sold out to the GOP but people in here calling him "ReàL"
even if u bring prince's beliefs into it, I don't recall prince being out here wanting to be championed for believing in some bs unlike kanye who wants people to support his ignorance
if ye just said " i support trump" we'd be past this bs by now but he keeps coming out trynna push trumpism into being acceptable ideology, that's far beyond what prince has ever said
Exactly,those are Prince’s personal beliefs,Kanye was literally willing to be the mascot for a racist,white supremacist President,and he still sorta is. Him freeing Rocky,Kodak,meeting with Wayne etc,should highkey be insulting to black people because he felt like he didn’t even have to give a real reason for black people to vote for him. I think black folks were suppose to feel like he was freeing our heroes so therefore,Donald Trump is a hero.
What’s sad is,some people fell for it