trump supporters are dead wrong 99 percent of the time
wrong as in they're not coherent with reality and science (conspiracies like flat earth, q anon etc are popular amongst them for that reason, not too mention the dishonest retelling of history to suit their bigoted world views)
People are allowed to be wrong. People are allowed to take losses.
We gotta stop acting like we’re perfect and free from mistakes.
Same way the top boxers no longer take the top fights. Niggas scared to take their first L. The fallout from that is you no longer fighting the top fighters and challenging yourself as a result the collective (boxing as a whole) becomes weaker.
This perfectly parallels society. Niggas scared to take a L and too worried about what others think so they suppress themselves and don’t do what they want.
Mac Demarco is one of the realest artist we’ve seen in a minute as far as presentation and really,even music goes. Kinda sad his time may have passed now because this generation is more glamour focused then ever now
The MAGAYE era wouldn’t have been as bad if there were an actual point to be made or at least if Ye was a real conservative. It was basically just him going against the grain just to do it, which doesn’t help anyone.
People are allowed to be wrong. People are allowed to take losses.
We gotta stop acting like we’re perfect and free from mistakes.
Same way the top boxers no longer take the top fights. Niggas scared to take their first L. The fallout from that is you no longer fighting the top fighters and challenging yourself as a result the collective (boxing as a whole) becomes weaker.
This perfectly parallels society. Niggas scared to take a L and too worried about what others think so they suppress themselves and don’t do what they want.
kanye is standing ten toes down in his ignorance tho
that's not a honest mistake or "whoopsie I was wrong"
when ye stops being wrong about the trump s***, people can look to forgive him
you guys are weird for wanting to "forgive" someone who didn't ask for it and is doubling down on his nonsense, take that BULLSHIT elsewhere
kanye is standing ten toes down in his ignorance tho
that's not a honest mistake or "whoopsie I was wrong"
when ye stops being wrong about the trump s***, people can look to forgive him
you guys are weird for wanting to "forgive" someone who didn't ask for it and is doubling down on his nonsense, take that BULLSHIT elsewhere
bro please watch that video, even if you just skim through it for 10 minutes. Guarantee your opinion will change.
People are allowed to be wrong. People are allowed to take losses.
We gotta stop acting like we’re perfect and free from mistakes.
Same way the top boxers no longer take the top fights. Niggas scared to take their first L. The fallout from that is you no longer fighting the top fighters and challenging yourself as a result the collective (boxing as a whole) becomes weaker.
This perfectly parallels society. Niggas scared to take a L and too worried about what others think so they suppress themselves and don’t do what they want.
The thing about MAGAYE is that,the L could’ve been avoided if he just used common sense and actually listened to people. I mean,boxers make their living in boxing and plus they get punched in the face,of course their gonna cherry pick fights,especially if their a draw trying to protect their 0. Ye on the other hand stuck his nose in something he obviously didn’t know much about besides the fact Trump was infamous and large amounts of rich white people f***ed with him as President.
He thought he could use his influence to sway people into something he knew very little about himself. Good thing the people he tried swaying (black people) saw through it.
Rap peaked 10 years ago, about to be a legacy genre while the youth come up with something new
kanye is standing ten toes down in his ignorance tho
that's not a honest mistake or "whoopsie I was wrong"
when ye stops being wrong about the trump s***, people can look to forgive him
you guys are weird for wanting to "forgive" someone who didn't ask for it and is doubling down on his nonsense, take that BULLSHIT elsewhere
I never said anything about forgiving him or even him learning from his “mistakes”.
I’m just saying everyone isn’t perfect. People hold stupid beliefs, people are wrong, people are whatever.
That’s the whole point of being human. Y’all on here like to just judge niggas. Same niggas bringing up Bron failing in 2011 or whatever.
Rap peaked 10 years ago, about to be a legacy genre while the youth come up with something new
This ain’t a hot take tbh, this one of those hip hop head type nigga takes
I never said anything about forgiving him or even him learning from his “mistakes”.
I’m just saying everyone isn’t perfect. People hold stupid beliefs, people are wrong, people are whatever.
That’s the whole point of being human. Y’all on here like to just judge niggas. Same niggas bringing up Bron failing in 2011 or whatever.
idk why but this post made me laugh out loud
Niggas only like the Beatles for their influence and not the actual music
Most of their albums are complete ass juice
Maybe but if you think that Oasis are better than them youre edgy
The thing about MAGAYE is that,the L could’ve been avoided if he just used common sense and actually listened to people. I mean,boxers make their living in boxing and plus they get punched in the face,of course their gonna cherry pick fights,especially if their a draw trying to protect their 0. Ye on the other hand stuck his nose in something he obviously didn’t know much about besides the fact Trump was infamous and large amounts of rich white people f***ed with him as President.
He thought he could use his influence to sway people into something he knew very little about himself. Good thing the people he tried swaying (black people) saw through it.
They didnt always cherry pick though. Thats my whole point. They made it so that you couldnt lose you had to be flawless. Thats the same s*** thats happening today in every area of life.
Also disagree w your stance on the trump s***. He fw him for whatever reasons he f***ed w him. He clearly didnt just do it just to do it
idk why but this post made me laugh out loud
The truth is sometimes funny
new workout plan is the best track on college dropout
you one of the hoes that glowed up after listening to it or summ?
It’s funny but kinda sad lol
Hows it sad. prince was homophobic but she didnt bring it up.
All im saying is why does someone having a flaw take away from everything else they've done.
Seems like a pretty simple concept but the fact that yall are looking at me like im crazy for saying it either tells me yall are just stupid or you just wanna argue tbh
Hows it sad. prince was homophobic but she didnt bring it up.
All im saying is why does someone having a flaw take away from everything else they've done.
Seems like a pretty simple concept but the fact that yall are looking at me like im crazy for saying it either tells me yall are just stupid or you just wanna argue tbh
They didnt always cherry pick though. Thats my whole point. They made it so that you couldnt lose you had to be flawless. Thats the same s*** thats happening today in every area of life.
Also disagree w your stance on the trump s***. He fw him for whatever reasons he f***ed w him. He clearly didnt just do it just to do it
He f***ed with Trump because of celebrity bruh,he emphasizes this mindset a lot. He thinks celebrity has power and then you put that celebrity in a real position of power,he thought Trump was the cheat code because he was a celebrity President.(something he wanted to be and that’s all he cared about regarding Trump) And yeah,Floyd made cherry-picking popular but I think Iron Mike really started the trend in a way.