Found the song he played
Your friend real for playing real hip hop, it’s time that someone broke the trend of playing mumble rap at parties
I played chief keef at a party w/ too many white people in Chico a few yrs back and dude wanted to fight me
I texted him this morning telling him that was ok to play by himself, but not with other people around and he responded with "I play what I want, simple".
Lol he sounds like a redditor
ur friend is corny and gets no b****es
he probly played some dances with the devil, had all the b****es crying. highkey cock blocked the entire party
They deserve it
niggas exposing themselfs itt
og thread classic
Deadass I feel like I was going crazy😭
can't believe we reached this meta point in ktt history. s*** not even an old classic, it's from post 2018
Lmao huh? People have been doing this since the day KTT2 opened up
Classic. the only time I got a flaccid reaction to a song I played at a party was gunz n butter by rocky. I know better now
Your friend real for playing real hip hop, it’s time that someone broke the trend of playing mumble rap at parties
There’s no way you guys get hoes