  • Dec 26, 2021

    Religion is just as much cultural infusion as it is scripture-based teachings

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Remember when Christ was in the wilderness and the devil tempted him? Well, Satan recited scriptures with his perspective in order to deceive Jesus. (Matthew 4) He cited Psalm 91 to deceive Jesus, just as Satan now uses Christmas to deceive Christians into following an ancient pagan practice.

    He did the same to Adam & Eve and they fell. It's imperative that we use discernment and stop falling for the okie doke as most people do in this world.


    Having a Christmas tree up isn’t going to be the end of the world for someone ending up in hell. Do I Celebrate it? No. Is it biblical? No. Should people really look into the history of it? Yes, however I don’t really shame someone for it. Most people even Christian’s in organizations look at it as giving gifts and family time. There is way more deception going on in this world that is far more serious than a person hanging a tree up once a year out of ignorance and wanting to give gifts. Be blessed

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Trying to look at religion with regular logic is a recipe for frustration. That's why it's more socially acceptable to just let people live. I will say it's annoying how all our major holidays in America at least either revolves around consuming or an excuse to drink.

  • Dec 26, 2021

    Imagine thinking I give a f*** or should I just give the kids I like a gift once a year and try to cheer them up. All you old f***s can eat a d*** this holiday ain't for you