Saturation 1, 2, & 3 are GOAT level projects.
KTT should have supported more imo
But BH really shouldn’t have let Ameer go
Fumble of the century
Sat Trilogy was fire
Ktt lowkey overrated how much better Ameer was than everybody tbh, he was the best rapper but not by that much
They deserve more credit
Sat Trilogy was fire
Ktt lowkey overrated how much better Ameer was than everybody tbh, he was the best rapper but not by that much
They deserve more credit
Not even sure he was the best member
Sat Trilogy was fire
Ktt lowkey overrated how much better Ameer was than everybody tbh, he was the best rapper but not by that much
They deserve more credit
rank em rapping wise cause im tryna see who you thought was right below him
rank em rapping wise cause im tryna see who you thought was right below him
I dont have a rank but Kevin was way more diverse topically, the hook writer of the group, had multiple flows, and didnt start every single verse saying I.
Ameer was great because he added a much needed aggression to the music, but his aggression stood out so hard because he was rapping amongst some of the least aggressive rappers of all time. Thats why his solo music doesnt have nearly the same bite
Not even sure he was the best member
He wasn’t just a nice change of pace from the others
KTT hates Brockhampton bc it was formed by KTT members and they see themselves in Brockhampton
They certainly were special if you enjoyed terrifying the broads!
Bro go outside
KTT hates Brockhampton bc it was formed by KTT members and they see themselves in Brockhampton
they just jealous and envious
Saturation 1, 2, & 3 are GOAT level projects.
KTT should have supported more imo
But BH really shouldn’t have let Ameer go
Fumble of the century
100% facts on all accounts
Never really liked them all that much but i thought it was funny how ktt did a complete 180 on these guys as soon as they couldn’t feel special for being into them anymore. Saturation 1 was well loved on here
I have a theory. The first tour that they did after dropping Saturation allowed people to see their fanbase and it was probably a complete 180 from who mfs thought would be there and that’s when I noticed KTT hit the 180. Then the Ameer s*** gave them a real reason
I personally only cared for Bearface
Bout to do my yearly routine check to see if he’s dropped anything like you know….a solo project?