Pick this up. No lie one time i used this and my sore went away in one day.
Saving this for future reference
Saving this for future reference
s*** was like $18 at walmart for this 2 inch ointment
Op has herpes
s*** was like $18 at walmart for this 2 inch ointment
Nah ain’t no way I’m paying that much just gon put inside my windbreaker no one gon notice
that’s herpes man
Saw somewhere majority of population got herpes only some got it worse than the rest
Pick this up. No lie one time i used this and my sore went away in one day.
canker sores are not cold sores
@op - take some lysine and gargle warm salt water 3x/day
I’ve had a sour in my left upper nostril , you know when you press your nose up like your making a 🐽 nose , it hurts/soar when I do that and I don’t know what I need for that
Finally getting over this one in the bottom back section of my mouth that was killing me.
canker sores are not cold sores
@op - take some lysine and gargle warm salt water 3x/day
i use this on all my canker sores tbh
I get them all the time . Stop drinking coke n eating spicy stuff !!!
Cutting out ketchup made a huge difference for me
Something about the acid was always f***ing me up
My test came back negative but I deadass think I got some s*** cause I have reoccurring ones that pop up all in my mouth every couple of months