  • Jan 22, 2022

    I agree op. We automate everything, pay a UBI, and let people enjoy the arts.
    However it would probably get exploited sadly

    Don’t we need a little suffering for good art to be produced?

  • Kengi 💭
    Jan 22, 2022

    Mans want mankind to be like the fat wall e humans

  • Jan 22, 2022
    1 reply

    We coulda been had automated everything but we need jobs for morale

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 22, 2022
    1 reply

    We coulda been had automated everything but we need jobs for morale

    morale jobs are there to stop us from personal and spiritual growth

  • Jan 22, 2022

    Elon Musk also thought car tunnels were better than public transportation so tread carefully

  • Jan 22, 2022

    And by thought I mean he just laundered some money by building some bum ass underground tunnels

  • Jan 22, 2022
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    i’m on a mission to automate my whole life i already don’t have to turn on or off my lights myself. don’t even have to build a youtube playlist myself, my script does it for me

    don’t even have to read the news or check the weather myself, i have a script for that too that reads that to me every morning when i enter my office

    my goal is to be that far human guy from wall e

    I’ve been trynna to do the automated YT playlist & news. How’d u do it?

  • Jan 22, 2022
    1 reply

    I’ve been trynna to do the automated YT playlist & news. How’d u do it?


    for my youtube playlist creator i use the selenium package with python and essentially automate my browser with it

    in the code, i specify which channels to add videos from on my feed. it checks if the video is watched (by searching for the element that displays how much of a video you watched), if the video doesn’t have that, it adds it to the playlist, else, it skips over it

    for my news / weather stuff, i use a weather and news package python has (can’t remember the names at the moment), and i basically code to that and then use a text to speech package to read the string from the script. i also added a “fact of the day” where i use requests and beautifulsoup4 and scrape a “fact of the day website” lol

    thats the simple simple simple version, i planned on making a thread about all the automation i’ve done so far, i have it saved in my notes just haven’t posted it yet lol. i probably will soon with more details!

  • Jan 22, 2022

    Lids employees are the most incompetent workers in the USA

    Can’t wait for you guys to be automated.

    Holy s*** mans wishing automation on mfs!!

  • Jan 22, 2022

    Honestly ppl are scared of AI for no reason. Y’all not realizing that we ARE AI.

  • Jan 22, 2022
    hot pancakes


    for my youtube playlist creator i use the selenium package with python and essentially automate my browser with it

    in the code, i specify which channels to add videos from on my feed. it checks if the video is watched (by searching for the element that displays how much of a video you watched), if the video doesn’t have that, it adds it to the playlist, else, it skips over it

    for my news / weather stuff, i use a weather and news package python has (can’t remember the names at the moment), and i basically code to that and then use a text to speech package to read the string from the script. i also added a “fact of the day” where i use requests and beautifulsoup4 and scrape a “fact of the day website” lol

    thats the simple simple simple version, i planned on making a thread about all the automation i’ve done so far, i have it saved in my notes just haven’t posted it yet lol. i probably will soon with more details!

    that’s the dream right there! Waking up with a curated system. Thanks for the info and I’m definitely in on the thread!

  • Jan 22, 2022
    1 reply
    lil ufo

    morale jobs are there to stop us from personal and spiritual growth

    Eh, I don’t think corporations are intentionally doing it for those reasons

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 22, 2022

    Eh, I don’t think corporations are intentionally doing it for those reasons

    of course not, but I may believe the idea of working 8 hours a day comes with that purpose on package