  • It's absolutely ridiculous how much better would've been OG Views (VFT6) and Scorpion man...

    Intro - My Side

    Lovesick - Zodiac Sign - Vital

    f*** these other rappers coming at the boy and f***in up his art man. I get why gets hot skully each time it happens, they don't want him to prove that he can top his Magnus Opus again.

  • Apr 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Luckily Views and Scorpion are still incredible as released


    Luckily Views and Scorpion are still incredible as released

    But man... just imagine the art direction scorpion had originally with all those chunes he left out... imagine Rollin being the outro

  • Apr 7, 2020
    2 replies

    i love that he engages and does not chicken out, dot and cole even sean are chickens smh

  • Og Juan

    i love that he engages and does not chicken out, dot and cole even sean are chickens smh


  • Apr 7, 2020
    Og Juan

    i love that he engages and does not chicken out, dot and cole even sean are chickens smh

    Who has Cole backed away from? I agree about the others, but Cole has stayed Kanye's throat for a minute even three shots at Tyrese and murdered Diggy.