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  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Yeah but if he is overdosing wtf does arresting him do? Shouldn't they called the medics instead of pushing him down the ground? If lawyers get them walking protests round 2 might happen with millions still unemployed and angry

  • Aug 13, 2020

    I was one of em, and ktt called me racist bootlicker for that, now look at the situation

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Yes it does, the cops are likely to either face light charges or possibly walk free because of the alleged overdose

    Doesn’t change the fact that he was murdered.

    I don’t care about that other s***.

  • Aug 13, 2020

    This literally changes nothing

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Yeah but if he is overdosing wtf does arresting him do? Shouldn't they called the medics instead of pushing him down the ground? If lawyers get them walking protests round 2 might happen with millions still unemployed and angry

    That's what they should of done but cops have Neanderthal brains and the decision making skills of an NPC character.

    Basically when they want to arrest you their mindset is extremely mechanical and plastic and they will do whatever they can to arrest you no matter what

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    He was already on the way out before they even physically restrained him

    How? Man was having a panic attack...

  • Aug 13, 2020
    MVP Pinhead

    Doesn’t change the fact that he was murdered.

    I don’t care about that other s***.

    You should because in the grand scheme of things, the protests where futile because the cops are NOT getting 2nd degree murder on them at this point.

    It was for a good cause but this looks like it may have killed any chances we had

  • Aug 13, 2020

    man shout out to the people that tried to stop them bro

  • Aug 13, 2020
    5 replies

    Being intoxicated and acting erratic does not warrant the death penalty 😬

    Quit bootlicking for cops, whose JOBS are to ensure our rights. George Floyd’s rights were violated by him not being given a fair trial. His behavior does not warrant the death penalty. In what U.S. municipality does public intoxication and forgery deserve the death penalty? If the cops could not handle the situation property they should have called medics, social workers, etc. Not escalated the situation- causing the problem to get worse. George said he has been shot by the police before. Is that not enough to cause acute PTSD, in a situation where he is being apprehended?

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    How? Man was having a panic attack...

    Yeah he was "out of it" like I said

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    He was in handcuffs and they killed him. Jesus christ.

  • Aug 13, 2020

    lol they still used excessive force, if he was already od’ing get a medic
    and get ur f***ing knee off his neck, that wasn’t a sanctioned restraint technique

  • Aug 13, 2020

    I didn't watch the original vid of his death. Not watching this either. F*** 12.

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm not arguing against this, but his lawyers might save him

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Yeah he was "out of it" like I said

    He was "out of it" because someone pointed a gun at his face and abducted him against his will for no good reason, for the second time.

  • Aug 13, 2020


  • Aug 13, 2020


  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Ummm, I don't co-sign with this

  • Aug 13, 2020
    Prosecco Papi

    Being intoxicated and acting erratic does not warrant the death penalty 😬

    Quit bootlicking for cops, whose JOBS are to ensure our rights. George Floyd’s rights were violated by him not being given a fair trial. His behavior does not warrant the death penalty. In what U.S. municipality does public intoxication and forgery deserve the death penalty? If the cops could not handle the situation property they should have called medics, social workers, etc. Not escalated the situation- causing the problem to get worse. George said he has been shot by the police before. Is that not enough to cause acute PTSD, in a situation where he is being apprehended?


  • Aug 13, 2020

    He was in handcuffs and they killed him. Jesus christ.

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply



  • Aug 13, 2020
    2 replies

    How do yall know he was ODing lol? You can see how anxious he is it could easily have been a panic attack leading him to say he couldn't breathe while he was being forced into the cop car. Unless there's an autopsy explicitly saying he had lethal doses of a substance or the cause of death was an OD Ion think people should be throwing that around

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