Azealia Banks now feuding with entire nation of Australia:
Azealia Banks now feuding with entire nation of Australia:
This title dramatic af
Azaela banks kills dog and buries a d*** in her ass live on ig
Oh nah that b**** gotta die (and I don't mean the poor dog)
Oh nah that b**** gotta die (and I don't mean the poor dog)
And I mean that on saddam
Azealia Banks Says She’s Coming For Your Favorite Rapper’s Crown: “No One Will Have A Better Album This Year, Not A Kendrick, Not A Kanye”
So that was a f***ing lie
sorry im late to the party
Azealia Banks Mocks Kanye West for Allegedly Copying Her Album Cover
I got a double
Azealia Banks Calls Out Eminem For Sexist Freestyle: “I Bet You’d Never Press Jay-Z In That Way”