Inspired by the thread in RA. Anyone have any general funny or chaotic stories at an airport or during a flight? It can be just a simple frustration you had or something you hate about flying in general too.
Not a funny story but I was on a business trip for work and ordered some pork buns from a local restaurant the night before I was leaving (flight was at like 6am) and it gave me food poisoning. I didn’t sleep at all that night and can say going through the airport and flying during that was literally a top 5 worse day of my life
not really funny but my cousins wife almost got deported cause some dumb f*** beuracrat didn’t know how to read the stamps right
My pops mauled tf out of a random & sketchy cab driver that tried grabbing my moms luggage. My dads brothers were at the airport to pick us up and they all stomped dude’s ass too. Airport security came and was like to the cab driver “man mf didn’t we tell you not to grab ppl’s s***?!”
I airdrop random s*** to people all the time. My go-to has been this pic of my boy passed out next to a pile of s*** in Cabo
Flew cross country by myself for the first time when I was 11.
Our plane lost an engine and had to make an emergency landing in St. Louis. Had a long layover and was stuck in the airport for what felt like a whole day. The airport employees took me in and had me sit at one the gate counters and listen to people yell at them all day about delays and boarding bullshit all day. Wild