future been spitting the same verse for 5 years now and ktt still acting like its the best thing since jesus turning wine into water
im a Drake stan but it just has no replay value
Not what those numbers are saying
Carried Drake on a track driven by Drake and a video directed by Drake and his team? Doesn't add up unfortunately
It’s almost like it’s a future song ft drake😦
It’s almost as if Drake would have renegaded Future if he was on the 2nd beat
Carried Drake on a track driven by Drake and a video directed by Drake and his team? Doesn't add up unfortunately
future been spitting the same verse for 5 years now and ktt still acting like its the best thing since jesus turning wine into water
No he hasn’t
Carried Drake on a track driven by Drake and a video directed by Drake and his team? Doesn't add up unfortunately
He’s talking about the actual song consensus is future did better too
future been spitting the same verse for 5 years now and ktt still acting like its the best thing since jesus turning wine into water
If your a casual ...
Not even if your a casual
If your a casual ...
Not even if your a casual
Do these fools listen to music or do they just skim thru it
future been spitting the same verse for 5 years now and ktt still acting like its the best thing since jesus turning wine into water
damn get your ears fixed
damn get your ears fixed
do you have me on your phone
idk what you mean by bringing this up..
Bruh got an underaged KTT poster saved on his phone/computer
Bruhs a grade A weirdo. No way around it at this point