honestly more concerned ppl itt listed save me first instead wizrd than op making this thread
honestly more concerned ppl itt listed save me first instead wizrd than op making this thread
this still a bad thread tho @op dont get it twisted
you telling me you listened to Save Me and it didn't hit you?
hit my soul personally
hit my soul personally
Hit me in the nuts personally. S*** was painful to listen to
As much as I did enjoy FUTURE, that nor his latter day works have really matched the highs of that MJ streak-era of his. If we're really being honest.
beast mode 2 out now
Nigga need to go into artist mode and do a better job at making albums
i dont listen to him after 2017
im happy for his success tho
and im a bigger future stan than everybody itt
KTT2 the only site that d***rides Future this much lmao
Greatest musician alive
you know nothing
u really ed if u think so
also high off life one of the most overhated albums in the past few years