I’m not. It’s my birthday, I’ll be nice. Tomorrow we back to hate on you
Happy bday!
You would never hate on me
So it’s just 4 songs?? Ain’t no way
Well That’s the info we got told from someone in the studio while he was making the tracklist
can someone help me id a future track? heard it the other day but forgot the lyrics and couldn't shazam - it had a nautical sounding beat, almost like guap by big sean
can someone help me id a future track? heard it the other day but forgot the lyrics and couldn't shazam - it had a nautical sounding beat, almost like guap by big sean
Inside the mattress?
we need songs with mike will, the beats he givin to chief keef hard af.
Listen to the “ I got cake “
Keep it for now. Maybe after m2, hndrxx 2 and the wheezy tape
Smh looking through the tracker it actually makes me sad knowing how much unreleased s*** this man has
Also makes me realise that he'll probably be dropping music til he's 50 so I still got time to get a placement down the line