hey man can you send me that $500 like you said?
i know it’s a lil more than Futures child support payments so i am sure you don’t have it, but if you want to take that perma too, that’s cool. just lmk bro, you don’t have to keep hiding!
thread just got interesting
this man still owe me $500 smh i feel like one of futures baby mamas chasing this dead beat down
hey man can you send me that $500 like you said?
i know it’s a lil more than Futures child support payments so i am sure you don’t have it, but if you want to take that perma too, that’s cool. just lmk bro, you don’t have to keep hiding!
U should make a thread about this
U should make a thread about this
i prolly need to, especially since i saw someone say he one of ayekays alts too
you have to realize that she is going to be keeping the 450 in her pocket lol not the child
Future will (like he always has) take care of his kid but not of a thot udigg
U should make a thread about this
this man Free a fool
A pack of condoms cost about $6.
I’d laugh if he does use condoms but doesn’t know how to put one on properly after all this time
Make sure you pinch the tip bro
Man has 6 children with 6 different women. Probably hard for him to keep track of them all, I feel for him tbh.
6 children that we know about
this man Free a fool
go get that money son lol
this man still owe me $500 smh i feel like one of futures baby mamas chasing this dead beat down
$450 not a lot for Future but he probably has other kids he’s paying child support for as well lol
Dudes making like 50k a year pay more than that
not sure what that has to do with anything
but he would have no issue spending racks on other men. these rappers move suspect and we don't talk about it enough.
Dudes making like 50k a year pay more than that
a YEAR? Like, 4,166 a month? teachers with tenure make more than that b
what does a 9 month child need more than $450 a month for tho?
dont attack the messenger just looking at things from his side maybe.
bro 450 a month isn't even really enough. kids are expensive.
Man has 6 children with 6 different women. Probably hard for him to keep track of them all, I feel for him tbh.
Uh... why? His dumbass can afford all that s*** he brags about in his songs but can’t afford some Trojans?