Ehh 450 really ain’t s***. It’s a lot you have to factor and it’s regular niggas that’s paying around that same amount so future better be lucky he’s paying that amount cause it could be worse.
Y’all niggas always pocket watching
Nobody is pocket watching. It’s just a fact 450 a month isn’t s*** when it comes to raising a child.
Nobody is pocket watching. It’s just a fact 450 a month isn’t s*** when it comes to raising a child.
Who’s pocket is that coming out of?
its a daughter no wonder he dont care b
this so f***ed up but i’m screaming
You can’t call people pocket watchers for saying 450 a month isn’t enough for a baby lol anyone who has kids or have kids in the family would tell you they’re expensive little s***s. Baby formulas is expensive. If you not on wic it’s go burn a hole in your wallet.
That’s still not pocket watching.
Yeah it is if u not worried how much Future is making
Ion care bout this. Need that albiggity-bum
what does a 9 month child need more than $450 a month for tho?
dont attack the messenger just looking at things from his side maybe.
450 isn't a lot for a kid
These hoes out here looking for a check and you defending that
Maybe these rappers shouldn’t be f***ing randoms raw
You can’t be raw dogging randoms and get mad when you’re faced with stuff like this. It’s his fault just as much as it is hers. Future just isn’t man enough to face the consequences of his actions.
450 dollars is actually extremely low for a guy like Future. Nas was paying like 25,000 to Kelis. Now that's insane,
Nah fam this is some deadbeat type of thinking lol
Tbh you should care more about your kids than anyone else in the world. That's at least what I was taught growing up.
I mean yeah. But if you didn't know for months or didn't want one. How could you expect future to care? He should still pay more regardless, but the momma still chose to keep the kid/not put him up on adoption
He definitely a dead beat dad but that ain’t new that’s basically he’s excuse to the judge and I kind of agree with him he still needs to pay whatever the amount to support the baby though which is probably a lot more than $450 a month.
losers itt with no kids really think 450 is enough money to raise a baby/kid. Just wait until the baby have to go to daycare.
then the chick can get a job and help out too
why does he need to be paying more than $450 a month for a 9 month old
she really thought future was gonna stick around