how bro. future is bigger than Jay right now and has been the last few years. but Prime Jay was way bigger than Future has ever been
If Jay drops now he would outsell Future easily tho
Cant imagine anybody in the street giving a f*** about Jay or Future.
you wrong about Future and Jay Z is seen as an influential figure
If 21 says future is bigger than drake in the streets now a days then he's definitely bigger than hov
someone get the streets on the horn to figure this out
Need the guy with the Troy Avi j*** pic to confirm
Yeah, the mean streets of StupidTown
you wrong about Future and Jay Z is seen as an influential figure
Only influential to niggas on a boost mobile plan
Future in his Christmas feels lol his boy spending the holidays with papa Russ
He got like 7 kids he don’t give a f*** lmao
Sometimes you forget that future is a 40 year old man pretending to be in his 20s again.
In the future other niggas playing football with your son
he still mad about this s*** from 4 years ago