two perfect albums back to back, I don't think something like that can ever be duplicated again, s*** was beautiful
HNDRXX his best album but WZRD and DS2 are both better than FUTURE
Edit: Even Honest is arguably better than FUTURE but that's debatable
both albums 10/10
both ain’t even top 5 future lol
Hndrxx is top 1 Fewtch
Future is still top 3-5
HNDRXX his best album but niggas want DS2 over and over again
Bro I’m not even a future fan but hndrxxx was one of my most played albums of 2017. I enjoy simp future more than a lot of these r&b singers tbh
HNDRXX his best album but niggas want DS2 over and over again
HNDRXX his best album but WZRD and DS2 are both better than FUTURE
Edit: Even Honest is arguably better than FUTURE but that's debatable
hxndrxx is ass he can keep that singing s*** imo
HNDRXX the only real classic dont @ me
def not a classic. future more of a classic then hxndrxx
HNDRXX was a breath of fresh air from him and everyone thought he was going to evolve his sound from then on and he said “lol jk 😹” and went right back to dropping his regular formulaic s***
HNDRXX his best album but niggas want DS2 over and over again