He didn't steal s***, Bobby Raps wrote it and Future performed it
Bobby was credited
Anyone have the snippet
Never listened when it dropped for some reason but I'ma listen today before I head to work @LD
i never hear about how boundary breaking it was for future to essentially let a creative director do his whole aesthetic for 1 project and have it be so precise and perfect, highkey goals lol
Do put his soul into that project, only for some media pundits to say it wasn’t authentic
It’s his best project not exaggerating
totally agree. i love future but this style is what fits him best imo
Without a doubt his best “aesthetic “
He should of had this same team handle more of his videos & design
One of his bests
Artists need to experiment more. Look at what happens
you release an overlooked project that some would argue tried too hard or is inauthentic my g
bobby raps 🤴
Yea u hear his sound all over this
Bobby raps is one of the best pop trap writers
i never hear about how boundary breaking it was for future to essentially let a creative director do his whole aesthetic for 1 project and have it be so precise and perfect, highkey goals lol
how is it boundary breaking to have a creative director creatively direct
i never hear about how boundary breaking it was for future to essentially let a creative director do his whole aesthetic for 1 project and have it be so precise and perfect, highkey goals lol
Anyone have the snippet
I found links but they’re all dead
S*** got wiped from the internet