can u drop og hyperpop gems itt
this is from a decade ago basically mik3 from uzi made it
can u drop og hyperpop gems itt
this song from 2011 and i honestly consider it ahead of its time from a conceptual standpoint. the drums are obviously dated but the same idea is there.
miss these days in nyc f***
where this nigga find all these european hoes
im tryna get on this wave tbh
but... is he the one who does it better?
SOTY 2020
this song from 2011 and i honestly consider it ahead of its time from a conceptual standpoint. the drums are obviously dated but the same idea is there.
! cant get down to this mayne
where this nigga find all these european hoes
im tryna get on this wave tbh
NYC lol, all the fashion models
this is from a decade ago basically mik3 from uzi made it
atlanta hack job
miss these days in nyc f***
i wanted to visit/live in ny so much because of this video alone
Y'all goobers will hear a song with the slightest bit of beepity boop sounds and you'll go "oH eM goRsh, iT's hyPerPOp"
this from like from a decade ago
! uzi too. Shouldn’t have gave up the tag
crazy how lil uzi vert stole this whole man swag
even the purple planet
f***ing legend so ahead of his time