1. Ocarina of Time
2. Breath of The Wild
3. The Wind Waker
4. Twilight Princess
5. Majoras Mask
6. A Link to The Past
7. Skwayd Sword
8. Links Awakening
9. The Minish Cap
10. Phantom Hourglass
Next is Rockstar Games. The rankings are only games Rockstar has developed, not just published.
Rank them here - surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=n6b7d5k2
Rank them here - surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=n6b7d5k2
Rank them here - surveys.enalyzer.com?pid=n6b7d5k2
Closes in a week or so
Upcoming series:
Final Fantasy
Telltell Games
Metal Gear Solid
Mario Kart
If you want a series to be added lmk
good picks for games, but la noire was much needed
good picks for games, but la noire was much needed
not really a rockstar game they just published it
Y’all really put Twilight Princess over Majora’s Mask and trash ass Skyward Sword over Link’s Awakening and Minish Cap
Y’all really put Twilight Princess over Majora’s Mask and trash ass Skyward Sword over Link’s Awakening and Minish Cap
Rockstar made this game
good picks for games, but la noire was much needed
I wanted to, I loved La noire but they didn’t develop the game just published it
Rockstar made this game
i saw that s*** I was NOT adding that lmao
The first Max Payne is probably the darkest game I've ever played
One of the best games OAT but Rockstar didn’t make it
Max Payne 3 actually gets pretty disturbing and mentally wearing the first playthru. It’s like how much more can the man get beaten down after seeing so many people he was trying to protect die. He literally becomes a human tank taking so many brutal beatings, and then the whole discovery of what’s happening in the favelas. Likely will flow under the radar on the poll but a top 3 Rockstar game for sure. Plus the combat system was great and a key piece of GTAV.