What games get y’all the most angry to play?
I consider myself a pretty calm person but when I play multiplayer Super Smash Bros or Call of Duty I get too heated fam
Bloodborne, that Yahar'ghul part where the monsters keep coming back after you kill them is just bullshit. Running past them without getting hit is the only option, that's not fun I've been stuck around here for like a year, finally made it past the monsters and there's a part where you have to face THREE hunters, wtf
Don't think I'm ever finishing this game
FIFA with its BS scripting making you hit the bar every time or get 10 shots on target without scoring. Then the other team steals possession, gets the ball close to your goal for the first time in the match and suddenly you're losing
Some of the Valkyries in GoW frustrated me, sometimes they'd beat me when all I needed was 1 or 2 more hits. I used to grip my controller hard as hell with my hands trembling and look up to the ceiling with tears in my eyes But overall the game wasn't rage inducing, GoW on GMAC is perfect difficulty imo
Any fighting game where the opponent was 1 hit away, like their health bar is literally empty and they end up winning
sports games rage is different
trying to stay in ELITE Smash Ultimate online
trying to leave Plat in League of Legends ranked
losing a rank in Halo 2 or Halo 3 multiplayer back in mid 2000s
also losing to LAG in any of those games definitely made me rage
One of my favorite things about Cuphead is that even when the game absolutely whoops my ass and I get demolished by it, I probably still won't rage just because the game is too good to get mad at and too well designed and responsive for me to find an excuse to blame the game.
However, the Medusa battle in Cuphead is f***ing bullshit. I chucked a controller for the first time in like 10 years because that thick b**** would turn me to stone a milisecond before a projectile hits me and there's just nothing I could do about it.
Also f*** the King Dice battle. The mini bosses are so cool but going through 3-5 mini bosses just to immediately f*** up and do it all over again was really annoying.
Me and the homie used to play it reguarlarily and constantly rage at it. To the point where we would just start crackin up laughing at all the fake and outlandish s*** that would happen.
Entire team looking like their playing Socom Navy Seals, crouching/leapfrogging through the map IN FORMATION and killing everyone
Went to knife a nigga and he did a crux/kung fu parry move and knifed me back for the kill. I swear on god I saw his character animation show his wrists cross to parry me
Looked like that bullshit up there.
Niggas lookin like Raiden doing the torpedo move, knifing you from far ass distances
All the camping
Random nades
Niggas shooting AK-47s at harriers in the middle of the map exposed
Just lil dumb s*** like this. We got a kick out of laughing at it, but the pain and rage became too much for me. One day I just told him i can't continue playing a game that makes me this mad and upset.
Haven't touched a COD since (I did try the new MW beta, played 1 match).
One of my favorite things about Cuphead is that even when the game absolutely whoops my ass and I get demolished by it, I probably still won't rage just because the game is too good to get mad at and too well designed and responsive for me to find an excuse to blame the game.
However, the Medusa battle in Cuphead is f***ing bullshit. I chucked a controller for the first time in like 10 years because that thick b**** would turn me to stone a milisecond before a projectile hits me and there's just nothing I could do about it.
Also f*** the King Dice battle. The mini bosses are so cool but going through 3-5 mini bosses just to immediately f*** up and do it all over again was really annoying.
Grim Matchstick took me forever to beat, but I managed to beat Dr.Karhl’s Robot in 3 tries lol
Every 2k past 2k12 because the game was stupid at times and they never fixed the servers. My connection cost me so many games I almost smashed my controllers every month. Completely gave up on 2k when they built the game around VC and still couldn't pay to fix their servers.
Dark Souls
Animal crossing on gamecube motherfucking resetti took all my bells cause i reset the game
Getting my ass beat in Smash Bros. When it feels like there’s no way out.
Me and the homie used to play it reguarlarily and constantly rage at it. To the point where we would just start crackin up laughing at all the fake and outlandish s*** that would happen.
Entire team looking like their playing Socom Navy Seals, crouching/leapfrogging through the map IN FORMATION and killing everyone
Went to knife a nigga and he did a crux/kung fu parry move and knifed me back for the kill. I swear on god I saw his character animation show his wrists cross to parry me
Looked like that bullshit up there.
Niggas lookin like Raiden doing the torpedo move, knifing you from far ass distances
All the camping
Random nades
Niggas shooting AK-47s at harriers in the middle of the map exposed
Just lil dumb s*** like this. We got a kick out of laughing at it, but the pain and rage became too much for me. One day I just told him i can't continue playing a game that makes me this mad and upset.
Haven't touched a COD since (I did try the new MW beta, played 1 match).
Yeah that was one of the most infuriating games ever, should’ve done what you did and just called it quits
Rampage for ps1 used to bring out the beast in me
Bloodborne, that Yahar'ghul part where the monsters keep coming back after you kill them is just bullshit. Running past them without getting hit is the only option, that's not fun I've been stuck around here for like a year, finally made it past the monsters and there's a part where you have to face THREE hunters, wtf
Don't think I'm ever finishing this game
FIFA with its BS scripting making you hit the bar every time or get 10 shots on target without scoring. Then the other team steals possession, gets the ball close to your goal for the first time in the match and suddenly you're losing
Some of the Valkyries in GoW frustrated me, sometimes they'd beat me when all I needed was 1 or 2 more hits. I used to grip my controller hard as hell with my hands trembling and look up to the ceiling with tears in my eyes But overall the game wasn't rage inducing, GoW on GMAC is perfect difficulty imo
Any fighting game where the opponent was 1 hit away, like their health bar is literally empty and they end up winning
Lmao im stuck on the EXACT same part on Bloodborne, f*** those 3 hunters man